Friday, October 01, 2004
this post exists because i want to make a record of a website i just noticed. it's basden. i started reading his biography and thought "o no, not another why-i-am-a-christian site" but it was actually really interesting. to me.
"you read books to borrow therefrom the force to stimulate your activity... but I read books searching for the man who has written them." (vincent van gogh)
if you're here because you're looking for something to respond to, you can respond to what someone told me in my dream last night. "you," they said, "are probably the campest person i have ever known". i was shocked. i am not camp. i am a big monster, fear me.
posted by pine-cones @ 13:44  
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Name: pine-cones
Home: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
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