Thursday, April 15, 2004
dreams can come true
Look at me babe, I'm with you.

So, me and three mates decided to blow up Sainsbury's at the weekend. For laughs, you understand, no malicious intent (not on my part, anyway - but we'll get to that later). I can't remember how it all started - probably having a few drinks, maybe we'd been out for the day, hanging out and messing around. Someone suggested it - someone had to - and to be honest the rest of us didn't take much convincing. What with the long summer evenings just starting up there wasn't much advanced preparation needed: someone else was going to let us in, and we had access to plastique (that's what happens when you know people who know people). So we met up about 6 and tottered down to the store, to find that the party had started already. I'd say there were about 8 or 10 people already down there, doing God knows what. Bit of a co-operative effort, well co-ordinated too. Some people were trashing the shelves, others were taking stock out back and loading it up, a few were hauling the registers.

I felt a bit disappointed really, I mean we should have been told. Turned out we were just a cog in the machine - but that wasn't going to stop us. The fact is it was a bit annoying because we'd turned up early to prep the building, to discover that early was late cos these other guys were no doubt attracting a bit of attention, they weren't going out of their way to keep it quiet. Whoever was on curtains duty had probably done a runner or stayed in the pub or something cos it was all in plain view for anyone walking past to see. In fact there was a bit of concern that we'd get caught so we rigged her up and pegged it. Nerves got the better of us, the fuse was too short and we just made it down the street to get flattened by the blast. I think i got knocked out, I bumped heads with someone, or the pavement, don't know which.
posted by pine-cones @ 17:31  
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Name: pine-cones
Home: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
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