Monday, May 31, 2004 |
ouf. |
Yesterday was a bit full on. I had a friend up for the weekend and was planning to take the floor as my slumbering suite, but one of my housemates was away for the weekend so I got to nab his double. Nice! Thing is, me being a bit of a light sleeper, it turned out to be a "better idea at the time" to play Tony Hawk's with t'other housemate until half three. Nae bad for a close to the Saturday night, but then some odd house-alarm type beeping noise woke me up at 6. Nice again! Except we don't have that kind of beepy alarm and I couldn't work out where it was coming from.
Church was cafe-style, I grumbled all the way through it due to tired grumpiness and generally being a grump, although hopefully with the volume at a respectable level. Got a new flat to move into, and ~mates to accompany. Went to the beach, then on the hunt for cashpoints and ice-creams, yum. The ice-cream van was retailing 99s at 80p. Bargain! Then, ultimate frisbee on the sand, knackering. But good. We scored 5 in a row to win 10-9. Grunt.
I don't like to talk about my work for charity, but there was a ceilidh in the evening, money went to the children. Most people could tell it was my first one, I think. What a mug. More hurting of the muscles, hurrah. Back before pumpkin time though, regaled by the other other housemate's musical creations.
Off now. Biscuits to eat, people to see.
posted by pine-cones @ 13:55  |
Monday, May 24, 2004 |
wierd week |
The past week has been, er. I think you know.
Got my bike nicked, got it back. Not any significant damage, hurray. I know where they live... must .... resist!! Girl surprised me by asking if she could pray for me: went against standard protocol and told her more about my state in an hour than most people have got in the past year. Lindle invited me on the 24/7 team for the Festival this summer. Scrambled Arthur's Seat and the Crags the semi-stupid way (verticaller = better). Saw my first Holyrood Fire of the summer! Apparently the firemen were nakey too. Avoided sunburn, mostly. AT LAST sampled the joys of the High Street's Ice Cream Bar. Went to Evol at the Liquid Rooms for the first time, it were great. Looked like it was mainly a place of FUN, rather than pulling or punching. There was a powercut at about 2:30am though. Some people were asking for their money back but it's not as if they pulled the plug on purpose, is it? They must make so much money on the bar there! Booked a motorcycle test so those L-plates should be coming off mid-june.
And it looks like I've landed a great place to live for after the summer with a bunch of losers, sorry, fantastic young adults. Just got a dissertation to write and a job to get so I can fund my up-coming new exciting life of f.n.u. |
posted by pine-cones @ 16:36  |
Friday, May 14, 2004 |
Sunny D |
Yeh, basically on Monday I went over the river, to Dunfirmline, to get my bike fixed. The weather was good all the way, and all the time I was there too. I didn't know how long the repairs were going to take so just spent the day wondering around, mainly through town, spent a good hour in a coffee place cos it had air con.
Also apparently a good touristy thing to do is to go to the Abbey. It is old and rubbley. There are bunnies and pheasants and other animals. No gull hunting allowed. There's a massive park next to the Abbey as well which was good, some bloke was running up and down in the heat of the day as if it was his job. Maybe it was.
Anyway it was a good day. Except the bike people didn't call me to say the bike was fixed. Dunno if they were supposed to and I guess my time wasn't wasted - how often do you get to spend an afternoon in Sunny Dunny? |
posted by pine-cones @ 16:20  |
Saturday, May 08, 2004 |
huh. |
Turns out I had a pen in my pocket all along. Fell into an abyss of its own.
Bet I don't get the job now!
posted by pine-cones @ 18:04  |
Friday, May 07, 2004 |
everything is good |
After spending a week on the edge of some kind of abyss, tottering about on a cocktail of sleep deprivation and low blood sugar, everything is, indeed, good. Initially, there were three deadlines for today. Hence the soulbad. BUT: I've renegotiated one of my project deadlines for next week, finished a dissertation proposal to the satisfaction of my supervisor, and handed one in blind (that one was a job application - I emailed it to them to save time, and because I couldn't find an envelope. Or a pen, duh).
So maybe the job place aren't going to accept applications by email, but they were kind of ambiguous about it in the documentation: some of the forms had "if you submit this form by email" clauses on them, although there wasn't an official email address - or none that I could find. Bit of a risk, then, but what can you do?
Also, I'm peversely excited about my dissertation topic, although the novelty is bound to wear off at some point. If all goes to plan then I get to do a fair bit of travelling around northern England and the Central Belt, so that'll be a good use of a summer. Better than being stuck in a library. (Oh! the irony!)
Well, the lesson's learned. In future I must start my work on time.
But you know I won't. So the lesson isn't really learned at all, is it?
posted by pine-cones @ 19:45  |